Thursday, 21 May 2020

Suri Rumah yang Hanya Minta Dihargai

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

22 May 2020,

Pkp (Perintah Kawan Pergerakkan) in Malaysia masih terus berlanjutan sehingga Jun 20. Sesak nafasku bila terkurung dirumah dengan anak-anak. Tapi demi menjaga keluarga dan mematuhi arahan kerajaan aku turutkan sahaja. Bukan itu yang ingin aku bahaskan sebenarnya.

Suri Rumah Tangga, dia bukan bibik, guard, babysitter, yang kerjanya 24jam di rumah. Memang rutin mak2 be like untuk memastikan kebersihan, makan pakai anak2 dan suami di selesaikan. Tapi, sering kali dipandang rendah oleh sesetengah mereka yang melihat seorang suri rumah tak buat apa2 dirumah! You know what?!! this isn't fair at all. Suri Rumah yang kalian pandang rendah tu bukan kaleng-kaleng, dia pemegang sijil beriktiraf, dia pernah bekerja di sektor yang menjanjikan serta mampu memenuhi keperluan dan kehendak mereka malah ada juga melebihi gaji suami mereka.

Tapi apa yang mereka buat? Suri Rumah yang sering di pandang rendah inilah mengorbankan kerjaya, pangkat, sijil demi menghidupkan tempat tinggal menjadi rumah yang tenang buat suami dan anak2 mereka. i cannot believe lah perangai yang melabelkan suri rumah hanya goyang kaki or pemalas. is just way TOO much for me. Mereka tak minta duit berkepuk2 tiap bulan. mereka tak minta kau hadiahkan mereka bunga hari2, bagi emas 3 4 layer. cukup hargai Suri Rumah. JANGAN kalian keji mereka dengan mengatakan mereka tak berduit. ia sangat keterlaluan.

Sayangi mereka, berikan kata2 semangat. jangan didera mental dan emosi mereka kerana itu sangat berbahaya dari mendatangkan kecederaan secara fizikal sebab ia membunuh secara perlahan-lahan dari dalam. Emosi dan Mental jangan sesekali dibuat main. Terlebih lagi jika mereka yang ada history memory di masa2 silam yang boleh mencetuskan emosi dan mental mereka bekerja secara berlebihan sehingga mendatangkan kecederaan pada diri mereka atau orang2 sekitarnya.

Suri Rumah (HouseWife) if they had a choice... they would rather working out there instead of stay at home. but for responsible towards family and cherish all the moment watching her children grow up in front of her, protected her child from getting sick again, give full of love and attention, she sacrifice so much beyond your imagination. so stop judging !!! you'll never know until you are in the shoes.


Rainbow After Raining

Hello there,

it has been years i left my blog got dirt. anyways, i'm telling you how lucky i am when i'ved inform that i got pregnant again. and why the hell i'm writing in english anyway? #Laugh 

in Jun 15 2018,

i took pregnancy test and of course +ve . well, i'm in prepared for our next baby and our son i think would be ready for his future brother/sister.

a few months goes by, my health up and down. i didn't get any morning sickness or some illness. but yeah, still working but not too long, during 6 month of pregnancy i've resigned and started focusing on my baby. 

i did 5d checked up. it's a girl!!! and you know what? such a bless being a mom. you feels the baby inside you. their movements. interact with your words. felt your pain. calm you down. i feel the same when i got pregnant of her brothers before but on how i feel each baby it's not the same. every time, the excitement, love, bless i got makes me so happy. how lucky i am, surrounding by people who loves me.

8 march 2019
me and husband went out for dinner, i'm thinking of something wrong with my baby, arrived in emergency of hospital the doctor said they need for further checked up on me so i have to warded. nervous but stay calm.

day 2 in warded. worrying my son who kept on asking "where's mama?" . videocall on whats app, i can't hold my tears. i'm miss him. he got fever. you know what mom's feel like? it just like tear up your heart apart. 

11 march 2019
3.30 pm in labour room. 6.30 pm. this is it, my baby girl comes out and see the world. normal birth. too bad, had to be sewn. i remembered when staff nurse said to me "you're strong mom" and i'm just smiling over her.

here we go, my son fetched me!! he hug me tight and stunt for a while when he looked his lil sis sleeping in the cot. startle, my son finally can talk fluently with us and he welcome his lil sister with hug and lot of kisses. Thanks Allah swt for listening and granted all my wishes.

i lost so many people on my back. parents, son, miscarriage, had to responsible for my siblings, family's conflict and a lot of difficult test and i cried over again until some point i've forgot how the pain like. it wasn't easy, but i've managed to get through all these mess. 

now, i need to be strong for my kids. they need me more. they're my priority. i believed, Almighty Allah swt knows what best for us. kept on fighting, kept on chasing ur dream, be good to others. there's rainbow comes out after the rain. just believed in Him.